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Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from iOL(Qc) :That is a very clear and complete answer Krayy thanks a lot.

Is there a way to use LFS stat command in a .lpr?
(stats from LFSworld)

I tryed:

langEngine"^7User: {0} pb: {1}",$user,cmdLFS"/w pb " $user)));

($user is a valid lfs username)

But the server is doiing the command so the car/track is unknown.

EDIT: Also, i dont know how to use getPlayerInfo().

getPlayerInfo$user );
globalMsg""$info);    #returns the string "Array"
globalMsg""$info["PSCountry"]);    #returns nothing
globalMsg""$info[0]); #returns nothing


Its already in lapper
Try !who and you see all PB's on LFSWorld from all connected players.

And with " /ws trackname carname pb username " you can use this in lapper.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :i have made a register/login system
but its not finished yet(still beta)

join the server: [TTR]RacingStyle and u will see what i mean

Looking good, works fine
Tim NL
S2 licensed

In lapper you can change number of laps , qual time and can change a lot of other things like type of cars with !gui

Be sure that your username is in the admin.txt and type !gui
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from stuntguy3000 :

How do i get something like that?

You can do this with LFSLapper

openPrivTextButton( "button_ID",origL,origT,$wide_button,$hight_button,5,96,"text in chat window","Text in button",$max_lenght_of_input,Goto_this_Sub );

Sub Goto_this_Sub( $myVar )
privMsg( "$myVar = " . $myVar );

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :i have a lil problem

i got a error with this line:

openPrivTextButton( "penuser",81,72,59,6,5[COLOR=red],-1[/COLOR],96,"^7Username","^7Click to fill in the Username",50,PenUser);

error message:

3/15/2010 5:49:03 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file "./includes/penalty.lpr" at line #27
Command 'openPrivTextButton' incorrect number of parameter
Function 'onmso./includes/penalty.lpr-1' script aborted

i dont see the bug

openPrivTextButton( "penuser",81,72,59,6,5,96,"^7Username","^7Click to fill in the Username",50,PenUser);

openPrivTextButton( "button_ID",origL,origT,$wide_button,$hight_button,5,96,"text in chat window","Text in button",$max_lenght_of_input,Goto_this_Sub );

Sub Goto_this_Sub( $myVar )
privMsg( "$myVar = " . $myVar );

Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Gaudi :hi,
I have a couple of times asking for lfslapper.
how one can be distributed to set the example, the points after the race?
and there some where in the i-net neh site where there are perhaps lfslapper settings?


The LFSLapper forum:
Points in lapper:
!who is not working in 6.00
Tim NL
S2 licensed
I have installed ver6.00 everything works super .
Only the new !who script work not ok.
It shows only one player incase of the complete list of players.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from ansu70 :I got ban, but It is not my fault.

at. [NLR] NL Racing Copper 00:32 - 22 Feb '10(JST)

Your unbanned now.

A ban by votes is for 12 hours.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :how do you clear a group/file?

In the reference file its ClearGroup().
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from backa :could anyone please explain me normally how to enable drift points ?
i just downloaded the current release, nothing else :/

i have read the forums and all i can say that i dont have any PB.txt or DRIFT.txt files
do i need to download any additional stuff to the lfslapper ?
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Tested on Windows 2003 Server SP2-32bits.

Insertion de 10000 enregistrements en 00:00:01.0625000
Update de 1000 enregistrements en 00:00:01.6875000
Test Succeffuly completed!!
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :still have a ?


I had the same big ?s
I use PSPad and had the fomat still on ANSI , when i changed the format to UTF-8 and saved the script it was working .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from r3zp3k7 :BTW. Sorry for the second post..

Is there a way ,I can make a server status page ? I can find a web host for my server ,but I don't know is there a thing like "Server is :" and a picture which tells the people if server is Online/Offline

You can find this here.

And maybe you like this to.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote :
How about a new Event called OnChangePos that is executed if the players position changes in the MCI handler:

Specifically, I want to expand the use of the Safety car so that I can determine if aplayer has passed another player and warn them to drop back to their original position before crossing the start/finish at race restart.


With this is it also posible to make a script for a rolling start.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from clix813 :Why when I am going down a straight road the wheel is slaming as hard as it can left and right? And when I come to a stop it will max out left and right a bunch of times.


Maybe here is your answer. It worked for me.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from clix813 :Why when I am going down a straight road the wheel is slaming as hard as it can left and right? And when I come to a stop it will max out left and right a bunch of times.


Maybe here is your answer. It worked for me.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Very good idea, i give it a try.
UF1 was always a lot of fun on CTRA.
Maybe WE1 or WE1R to?
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :hey tim im thinking of realeasing my version if its ok with u it has modes instead of drift on|drift off it now has Mode Race|Drift|Cruise|ect.

Quote from Krayy :If you're going to update this, could you please remove the lines that force the laps/weather/quali etc to the defaults when lapper restarts as it is a pain in the butt. Or at least make it a selectable option tat can be stored in the DB (using setstoredvar).

If you need a hand on doing that, I'm happy to lend it.

I have wrote a new Config GUI with lots of updates .
The track sellector is renewed. ( i added Rockingham but i dont know how many configs this track have yet.)

A little bit a different layout.
Its easy to add new cars if there new cars come in LFS.
Its now posible to set a server public or private. And you can set a guest password.

I will both request add to the new version of Config GUI too.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

An oversight

Done in new Release


Thanks , thats was very quick
Tim NL
S2 licensed
A little question or maybe a request for in the future.

Is it posible to see whats the $id is of a openPrivTextButton?

openPrivTextButton( "id_of_button",origL,origT,15,4,4,16,"Give your input","txt in button",30,goto_sub );

SUB goto_sub( $myinput,[COLOR=red]$id[/COLOR] ) [COLOR=blue]# <-- Is this posible??[/COLOR]
cmdLFS("/msg $myinput: " . $myinput );
cmdLFS("/msg $id: " . $id );

And a happy 2010 :leb:
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :"Stopped - LFSLapper Version="

Do you look at


in logs directory in LFSLapper.exe folder

I have made lot of !reload without issue


Try the 917 and tell me if crash like 918


I have now 4 servers running on 5.917 and all are ok. no problems

I will replace tommorow morning the LFSLapper.exe with the one from 5.918 and test again.
Tim NL
S2 licensed

I have a problem to ver.5.918 get working.

Everything works ok with ver.5.916 now but when try the latest version 5.918 lapper will crash.
It was working for a couple of hours without any problems. (With 3 servers )

After a reload , lapper crashed.
There are no erros in the log files ( ERR and MSS ).
There is a message in the lapper console but i cant read it. The box will close immediately when the error apear.

When i restart lapper, the console is open ,a error popup in the console and the console is closed again. Still no erros in the log files ( ERR and MSS ).

I have download a new copy of 5.918 and unzip in a new folder.
I have only set the minimum requirements to start up lapper ( only admin pwd and the right port number and all scripts are default) but have the same problem.

When i reboot my server it works for a short while but after a reload its gone.

Everthing works now ok on 5.916 but would be nice if 5.918 also is working.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Hi Tim,

Am trying this one, but am puzzled with something.
Yesterday a player that came in first, was disqualified (DT).
That appeared to be messing up the assigned point to the players that had a normal finish. Any idea what may be causing this, or how I could solve this easily?

<edit> In the meantime I found this might be partly caused by not using the $flagConfirm when determining the ps_race_points. However I think this disqualified player will still be in the Finished Positions. Could that be solved by spectating the guy/gal in the OnFinish event? <endedit>


You have to use the Event Onresult.

And to be sure that who won is the winner , you can use the $flagConfirm

1. Event OnResult now receive the confirm flags

Event OnResult( $userName,$flagConfirm ) # Player event

SWITCH( GetCurrentPlayerVar("FinishedPos") )
IF( $flagConfirm == 2 || $flagConfirm == 18 || $flagConfirm == 34 )
show and give points

Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :To late, already fixed , take release

Thanks points works ok now
Tim NL
S2 licensed
lol its in your e-mail